
NEVER GETTING THEREis a brand new program that helps solo- and entrepreneurs find out the true reasons that are preventing them from reaching their full potential, but instead they keep on surviving with a low income and small turnover year after year.

These entrepreneurs are usually specialists in one particular business area, but do not know how to elevate themselves from their economical or mental and practical pits.

I’ve been there, I’ve seen that, I’ve experienced it all. – Tuija

That is why I launced this brand new training program that I know will help thousands of entrepreneurs get the business going and growing and to increase the turnover rapidly. Click on the logo for more information.

We are working on it… You’ll get more of Never Getting There from here.


Master Classes Online

Mid-Life Style Crisis

Tuija K is a highly experienced style consultant, a coach and a speaker, and her mission is to help and encourage women in their mid-life to enhance their beauty and style, and to encourage to them to look top-quality businesswoman in business. These Master Classes are about your clothing style and how to choose clothes that make you look energetic and young, yet your age. The topic is a mix of feminine style with a business style viewpoint. She runs her master classes now online anywhere in the world, and her energy in these classes is captivating!

These Master Classes are highly popular. 

If you wish to organize one to your group of friends or colleagues, please contact us in the link below and we will take it from there. We have made it easy for your friends to sign up, and these fun and informative classes are very fairly priced at $49.00 p.p. for 3-100 persons. For you as your group leader, this class is free.

The duration of each class is 1-2 hrs depending on inteaction and number of questions. Can be arranged on Saturdays as well.

Impact Queens ® is a registered trademark and a property of Tuija K Global Oy.